F I L I N G  R E C E I P T
The National Energy Board
444 Seventh Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0X8
Receipt Number: A49626 Filing Date: 2012/12/06, 12:05 PM MST*

*Mountain Standard Time

Submitter Information: Role: NEB
carrie randall National Energy Board
On behalf of the Secretary of the Board 444 Seventh Avenue SW
Sheri Young Calgary, Alberta
secretary@neb-one.gc.ca T2P 0X8
Telephone: 403-292-4800
Filing Information:
Project: Other
Title: Letter and Order MO-036-2012 to Certain International Power Line companies under the jurisdiction of the National Energy Board
NEB File Number: Hearing Order:

Electronic Documents in this submission:
ID Document Type Language File Name
A3D9X4 Order English Letter and General_Order M0-036-2012.pdf
A3D9X6 Other English Attachment Response to Comments.pdf
A3D9X8 Other English Attachment Questions_and_Answers.pdf
A3D9X5 Order French Letter and General_Order M0-036-2012 French.pdf
A3D9X7 Other French Attachment Response to Comments French.pdf
A3D9X9 Other French Attachment Questions_and_Answers French.pdf

Paper Documents in this submission:
Note: an electronic placeholder will be generated for each paper-only document.
ID Document Type Language Name