Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1819-094 - Enbridge Pipelines Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV1819-094
Start date: 2018-10-10
End date: 2018-10-12


Regulated company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Operating company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Rationale and scope:

Construction Inspection L3RP (OC-63 & AO-1-XO-E101-004-2016) and facilities - Pipeline installation (Spread 7), looking at pipe handling, set-up, stringing, excavation, lowering, coating and inspection practices.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Regulatory instrument number(s):

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - General Observations - Day 1

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-10 13:30

Discipline: Integrity Management




Coating Procedures and Oversight – At Brandon Yard

Oak Lake Pipe Storage Yard

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - General Observations - Day 2

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-10 13:30

Discipline: Integrity Management




Field Coating Crew

Pipe in the Ditch for Tie-in WeldingTrenching and Pipe Lowering at Road 7Field Bending at Road 30Set-up and Prep Crews HDD at Road 41Souris Pipe Yard

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program