Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1920-359 - TEML Westspur Pipelines Limited


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV1920-359
Start date: 2019-08-20
End date: 2019-08-20


Regulated company: TEML Westspur Pipelines Limited

Operating company: Kingston Midstream Pipelines Limited

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Rationale and scope:

Damage Prevention field inspection to verify compliance with the Damage Prevention Regulations and NEB OPR requirements for Damage Prevention, focused on agricultural land in southern Saskatchewan.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Regulatory instrument number(s):

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - General Observations

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 08:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention





Damage Prevention ProgramPublic Awareness (PA) Program

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - NNC 1 - Patrol Exception Reporting

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 09:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




On 16 November 2017, the Board issued an Information Advisory and noted the following regarding Patrol Reports: Exception reporting (recording issues only), does not adequately document that an assessment of the conditions on the right of way has occurred. In order to meet the requirements, companies must demonstrate that conditions as listed in CSA are subject to documented ongoing monitoring.

Documentation of the implementation of management system activities is required by OPR 6.5 (1)(p) which states that companies must: (p) establish and implement a process for generating, retaining and maintaining records that document the implementation of the management system and the programs referred to in section 55 and for providing access to those who require them in the course of their duties

Aerial patrol reporting provided by Kingston Midstream to NEB Officers displayed exception reporting and did not demonstrate that conditions as listed in CSA are subject to documented ongoing monitoring.

Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream shall:

1. Initiate a management of change (MOC) process, inclusive of timeline for implementation, to rectify company patrol exception reporting;
2. Provide NEB Inspectors with email confirmation upon MOC completion; and
3. Provide NEB Inspectors with an aerial patrol report demonstrating that conditions as listed in CSA are subject to documented ongoing monitoring in a non-exception reporting format.

Due date: 2019-12-31

Date closed: 2019-12-27
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 3 - NNC 2 - Obligations Following Request to Locate

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 09:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




Section 6 (1) (a) of the NEB Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations - Obligations of Pipeline Companies (DPR-O) states:

Kingston Midstream did not provide NEB Inspectors with documentation that demonstrates how it meets the requirements of section 6(1)(a) of DPR-O.



Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream shall provide NEB Inspectors with documentation that demonstates how it meets the requirements of section 6(1)(a) of the NEB DPR - Obligations of Pipeline Companies.

Due date: 2019-10-31

Date closed: 2019-10-31
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 4 - NNC 3 - Field Inspections, Observations, and Suspension of Consent

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 09:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




Section 6.5 (1) (f) of the OPR requires companies to establish and implement a process for developing and implementing controls to prevent, manage and mitigate the identified hazards and the risks and for communicating those controls to anyone who is exposed to the risks.

Section 8 of the Damage Prevention Regulations - Obligations of Pipeline Companies (DPR - O) requires companies to conduct inspections and field observations, including but not limited to: making field observations confirming compliance with conditions of written consent; and carrying out inspections that are necessary to ensure the pipeline's continued safety.

Section 10 of the DPR - O states the pipeline company may suspend the consent that it granted to construct a facility or to engage in an activity that causes a ground disturbance within the prescribed area...

Kingston Midstream field employees indicated they are required to be onsite to ensure oversight of third party activities near their facilities, however the company did not provide NEB Inspectors with documented procedures for oversight of third party activities, field inspections, field observations, and suspension of consent.

Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream shall provide NEB Inspectors with documented procedures that demonstates how it meets the requirements of section 6.5 (1) (f) of the OPR, sections 8 and 10 of the DPR-O.

Due date: 2019-11-29

Date closed: 2019-12-27
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 5 - NNC 4 - Pipeline Signage Maintenance

Date & time of visit: 2019-10-01 08:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




Inspectors observed pipeline signage that had been recently changed to reflect the name 'Kingston Midstream'.

Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream representatives shall provide Inspectors with the following written confirmation:
1. Kingston Midstream's procedure to ensure signage is inspected periodically and maintained to ensure legibility and visibility.

Due date: 2019-11-29

Date closed: 2019-12-27
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 6 - CNC 1 - Pipeline Signage at Railway Crossing

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 14:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




Section of CSA Z662-19 states:
Signs shall be inspected periodically and maintained to ensure legibility and visibility.

NEB Inspectors observed pipeline signage installed where the pipeline enters and exits railway right-of-way, however the legibility and visibility of the signage was obstructed by overgrown vegetation.

Compliance tool used: Corrected Non-compliance (CNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream shall provide NEB Inspectors with photographs, via email, demonstrating pipeline signage at railway right-of-way is not obstructed by vegetation.

Due date: 2019-08-21

Date closed: 2019-08-21
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 7 - Information Request 1 - Damage Prevention Program

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 09:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




Section 47.2 of the OPR states:
A company shall develop, implement and maintain a damage prevention program that anticipates, prevents, manages and mitigates damage to its pipeline and meets the requirements set out in section 16 of the National Energy Board Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations — Obligations of Pipeline Companies.

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream shall provide the following information to NEB Inspectors:

1. Description of where Kingston Midstream's Damage Prevention Program resides within the company's overall management system framework;
2. Identification of Kingston Midstream Damage Prevention policies, processes, and procedures which are not housed within the Damage Prevention Program; and
3. For any items identified within number 2 above, provide documentation to demonstrate formal linkages of each item to the Damage Prevention Program.

Due date: 2020-01-17

Date closed: 2020-01-17
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 8 - Information Request 2 - Pipeline Signage Maintenance

Date & time of visit: 2019-08-20 14:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




NEB Inspectors observed pipeline signage that had been recently changed to reflect the name 'Kingston Midstream'.

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Kingston Midstream representatives shall provide NEB Inspectors with the following written confirmation:
1. All pipeline signage has been updated to reflect the name Kingston Midstream;
2. The date all pipeline signage was updated; and
3. Kingston Midstream's procedure to ensure signage is inspected periodically and maintained to ensure legibility and visibility.


Due date: 2019-09-30

Date closed: 2019-09-30
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program