Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV2122-032 - Enbridge Pipelines Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV2122-032
Start date: 2021-10-13
End date: 2021-10-14


Regulated company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Operating company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Related events:

Rationale and scope:

Inspection of Edmonton and Hardisty Terminals for Tank Fire Protection.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - Edmonton North Terminal

Date & time of visit: 2021-10-13 09:00

Discipline: Integrity Management




Edmonton North Terminal:
The CER inspector discussed the inspection scope and plan with Enbridge at the Edmonton Terminal Office. Enbridge explained that a consultant was hired approximately three years ago to verify that the terminal’s tank fire protection equipment was compatible with Strathcona County Fire Department and Suncor, who is mutual aid partners with Enbridge. Enbridge also indicated that training had occurred at the terminal last week to train staff on the semi-fixed rim seal fire protection system at Tank 303-TK33.
Enbridge indicated that all storage tanks are equipped with both semi-fixed and fixed rim seal fire protection systems. For a full surface tank fire, portable equipment and supplemental foam concentrate from their contracted firefighters (Fire Master), mutual aid agreements, or the Strathcona County Fire Department would have to be brought on site. The newer tanks have galvanized foam solution piping for the fixed fire protection system while the older tanks have carbon steel foam solution piping. Enbridge explained that the carbon steel foam solution piping is flushed annually as part of the annual inspection and testing of the fire protection system to remove potential corrosion products that could affect the performance of the fire protection system.
As a general observation, and except where noted below, the fire protection pumps, piping and other equipment were in apparent good condition. Enbridge explained that the fire protection equipment is checked monthly by its staff to verify its condition and ensure its readiness. The buildings housing the fire protection equipment were heated and free of clutter that could prevent access to the equipment.
Foam Truck Building:

Firewater Reservoir and Pump Building: 
Foam House Building 850-BLDG-7 
Tank 301-TK-36 
 Foam House Building 850-BLDG-5

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - Edmonton South Terminal

Date & time of visit: 2021-10-13 13:00

Discipline: Integrity Management




Edmonton South Terminal
As a general observation, and except where noted below, the fire protection pumps, piping, and other equipment at the South Terminal were in apparent good condition. Enbridge explained that the fire protection equipment is checked monthly by its staff to verify its condition and ensure its readiness. The buildings housing the fire protection equipment were heated and free of clutter that could prevent access to the equipment.
Firewater Reservoir and Pump Building:

Foam House Building 851-BLDG-1 
Foam House Building 851-BLDG-2

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 3 - Hardisty Terminal

Date & time of visit: 2021-10-14 08:30

Discipline: Integrity Management




The CER inspector met with the Enbridge representatives at the Hardisty Terminal Office. Enbridge explained that the terminal is manned 24 / 7. All tanks have fixed rim seal fire protection systems. For a full surface tank fire, portable equipment and supplemental foam concentrate from their contracted firefighters (Fire Master) or through mutual aid would have to be brought on site. Enbridge explained that the terminal has a power back-up system capable of operating the fire protection system for the tanks. The fixed fire protection system is automated and will operate upon opening the tank foam solution valve. The newer tanks have galvanized foam solution piping for the fixed fire protection system while the older tanks have carbon steel foam solution piping. Enbridge explained that the carbon steel foam solution piping is flushed annually as part of the annual inspection and testing of the fire protection system to remove potential corrosion products that could affect the performance of the fire protection system.
As a general observation, and except where noted below, the fire protection pumps, piping and other equipment at the Hardisty Terminal were in apparent good condition. Enbridge explained that the fire protection equipment is checked weekly by its staff to verify its condition and ensure its readiness. The buildings housing the fire protection equipment were heated and free of clutter that could prevent access to the equipment.
Tank 301-TK-47

South Foam Proportioning BuildingFire Protection Building 
North Foam Proportioning Building

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 4 - Hardisty Terminal - Firewater Tank - NNC

Date & time of visit: 2021-10-14 10:00

Discipline: Integrity Management




Firewater Tank

Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Enbridge is to provide a plan to address the non-compliance to the OPR s. 36 (b) to ensure that the level monitoring device for the water tank is tested to verify its proper operation.

Due date: 2021-12-17

Date closed: 2021-12-14
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 5 - Annual Inspection and Testing of the Fire Protection Systems - Information Request

Discipline: Integrity Management




Enbridge explained that the tank fire protection equipment is inspected and tested annually by a contractor (Total Fire Solutions) and copies of the 2021 Fire Systems Testing Reports for the Enbridge Edmonton North, Edmonton South, and Hardisty Terminals were provided. The Fire Systems Testing Reports have identified a list of hazards or deficiencies, ranked as either “Non-Critical Deficiency”, “Critical Deficiency” or “Impairment”.  An Information Request has been issued to obtain an update on the status of those deficiencies and their corrective actions and to verify compliance to the OPR s. 36 (b) and to CSA Z662-19 clause

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

​1. Please provide an update on the status of the corrective actions for each the of the hazard or deficiency listed in the following reports:

In the status update, indicate if the corrective actions have been completed to address the hazard or deficiency identified. If not yet  addressed, provide the details for the corrective actions to implement and provide a timeline for implementing those. 

2. For the Enbridge Edmonton North Terminal: explain when Enbridge is planning to flush the foam solution lines that could not be flushed during the 2021 annual testing. The foam solution lines for Tanks 25, 18, 23, 2, 8, 28 have not been flushed according the Tank Flushing Program Table located on PDF pages 44 to 46 of the Fire Systems Testing – 2021 Report, dated 27 Augusts 2021.

Due date: 2022-01-14

Date closed: 2022-01-14
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program