Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection
Regulated company: NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.
Operating company: TransCanada PipeLines Limited
Province(s) / Territory(s):
Rationale and scope:
Environmental Inspection of NGTL Edson Mainline Expansion Project, during construction. The compliance verification activity focused on the implementation of mitigation measures required by the Environmental Protection Plan and related management plans. Specific attention was given to watercourse crossings, erosion and sediment control mitigation and sites of Indigenous significance.
Compliance tool(s) used:
Facility Types
Life-cycle Phases
Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:
Observation 1 - Observations from Indigenous Monitor
Date & time of visit: 2022-03-14 09:00
Discipline: Indigenous Monitoring
Archeological One of the TK inspections was the “Prayer Tree”, we met up with the ACPP monitors coordinator for the ACPP group and discussed traditional knowledge and explained that the “Prayer Tree” was a sacred site (this site was roped off even though it was on the rite away) the coordinator and FN group allowed us to visit the site. They explained the significant spiritually of the site. We made a offering of tobacco then we left the site in peace. he ACPP has excellent working relationship with the proponent and the contractor they are involved with inspections and implementing the ERR & ERP plans their main priority is the environmental pipeline footprint and the care of the land is always a priority. The second TK inspection was at KP 16 +500. All signage was in place. Vegetation Inspection of a noxious weed site (Canada Thistle). Discussed the removal of leaning trees as a safety practice Water Crossings KP 4+800 inspection of silt management and erosion control. Spoke to the foreman about Elk River WC024 +795. Reviewed JSA and signed. Reviewed mitigation for the installation of pumps to move the water on the up-stream side around the area to be open cut to the down stream side. Each pump can move one cubic meter of water per second, new hoses are used on each stream cut to avoid contamination. Bridges used for crossing over a water are scrapped clean of mud and derbies 2 times a day to avoid foreign material from falling into the stream down below. lnspect procedure for installing silt fence, where there is a overlap in the material it must overlap 36 inches. At KP 8-700 inspected creek crossing and discuss reclamation procedures inspect silk fence installation at WC 4KM 15 + 300 inspect steep slope mitigation, and silt retainment along water course. At KP 35+9 the Nordegg River crossing we inspected dewatering, the natural rock used as water flow buffers. At KP 43+920 inspected silt pond. Reviewed and signed the FLHA and tailgate safety meeting. Inspected KP 44+291 water crossing, there we inspected the dewatering creek method, the water discharge filter bag , discuss equipment hazards and incident reporting At KP 39+851 unnamed creek inspect creek bank reclamation. At KP 30+84 WC 12 inspect stream bed reclamation and discuss chance find ( buffalo Jaw and tooth estimated 8000 to 10000 years old). Wildlife At the Elk River WC-02 4+759, discussed SARA critical habitat area. Other Observations At KP 27+5 HDD site, reviewed the FLHA and ERP. Inspected fuel supply tank. One had a nozzle drip this was corrected immediately. We also inspected the propane storage tanks and storage shed. Inspected the under-ground bore rig, genset set fuel storage, mud pumps for diesel and oil leaks, oil storage, underground reamer, inspect tool crib, inspect tool crib, inspect fire extinguishers, boiler and discuss boiler safety and use of boiler compound, waste is separated and put in appropriate bins all cans ,plastic ,and plastic pails are recycled. The rig personnel if it is your area you own it you respect it. The HDD crew and manager were knowledgeable of their equipment answered all our questions. They took pride in their work. All safety barriers were in place and site was clean
Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used
Observation 2 - Observations from Indigenous Monitor
Date & time of visit: 2022-03-14 08:00
Began the work day with covid testing, visitors orientation to follow. C.E.R, i.m’s , DFO and company representatives were in attendance. Kp 4+800 Elk river observed site looks great as per construction work currently at site Kp8+700 steep slope sara critical habitat area. Sediment fencing erosion control measures in place and looks good. Kp 14+800 water course crossing sara critical habitat crossing. Layout overall very nicely installed. Kp 16+500 water course crossing site. Well kept and maintened Traditional knowledge site at this location signage posted. Kp 33+700 Prayer Tree- met the ACPP program monitors was nice meeting and hearing there knowledge about the prayer tree buffers in place mitigation measures met within the footprint of the project. Kp 35+6 water course crossing observed water stream looks good site looks great. Kp 27+5 observed site fuel tank was showing some signs of leak was brought to tc’s attention was cleaned up while we were on site. Tool crib is in good order. Waste and recycling station look great. Used Oil containment nicely stored. Kp 43+920 water course crossing active construction site erosion control is setup great overall good looking site Kp39+851 creek bank reclamation stage observed excellent work to rebuild the bank. Work was completed days prior to inspection very nice and clean. Kp30+200 tlu site off ROW buffer in place. Identified in the EPP looks good undisturbed. Overall was a very good inspection I appreciate the time the company representatives and ACPP program monitors took to show us around to sites. It was great meeting and listening to the ACPP individuals sharing there knowledge and wisdom. Great work
Observation 3 - General construction observations
Date & time of visit: 2022-03-15 08:00
Discipline: Environmental Protection
Water crossings Kp 4+759 WC02
Observation 4 - Corrected Non-Compliance (CNC #1) - Diesel drip at HDD fuel storage
Date & time of visit: 2022-03-16 14:00
Inspection team observed diesel staining on diesel storage tank Unit # 10367 and leaking drip catcher containment receptacle.
Compliance tool used: Corrected Non-compliance (CNC)
Regulatory requirement:
Relevant section(s):
Company action required:
Company will control source of leaking diesel as well as cleanup released product in this area.
Due date: 2022-03-16
Date closed: 2022-03-16 Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.
Reason closed: Requirement met
Compliance achieved: Yes
Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:
- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or
- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program