Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1819-063 - Enbridge Pipelines Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV1819-063
Start date: 2018-10-02
End date: 2018-10-05


Regulated company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Operating company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Rationale and scope:

This inspection verified compliance measures on Spread 2 of Enbridge's Line 3 Replacement Project. The focus of this inspection was verification of Enbridge's implementation of environmental mitigation measures during the construction phase, ensuring the company abides by the conditions under certificate OC-063, granted by the NEB in December 2016. Concurrently, the inspection verified compliance to The National Energy Board Act, Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR), Damage Prevention Regulations (DPR), and such standards as CSA Z662. Clearing for the project initially occurred in 2017 but all other activities were postponed until August 2018. Spread 2 spans approximately 120 kilometers and is located in the West Central Region of Saskatchewan and is characterized by mixed-moist grasslands. Construction begins northwest of Kerrobert, SK, moving southeast toward (and beyond) Rosetown, SK.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Regulatory instrument number(s):

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - General Observations

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-05 09:00

Discipline: Environmental Protection




This field inspection of spread 2 occurred from October 2nd- 5th, with only selected sites observed due to adverse weather conditions that made for poor accessibility of the entire right-of-way (RoW). NEB inspectors and IAMC monitors were able to observe a variety of activities taking place between KP 160 - KP 265, which included active topsoil stripping, grading, watercourse crossing construction, bore hole sites, stringing, bending and lowering-in.

A summary of observations is provided below:


Invasive Plant Management Rare Plant IdentificationWater bodiesSoils handling and RoW management 


Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - CNC 1 - Subsoil on topsoil at damaged bar ditch ramp

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-03 13:11

Discipline: Environmental Protection




Access Road 119 (Bar Ditch):
- Rural road intersects with shoo-fly access road 119 near tributary to Eagle creek. Corner of bar ditch ramp at this location has been damaged by equipment. Geotextile fabric used to prevent admixing of soil horizons has been graded over and subsoil was observed on top of topsoil.

Compliance tool used: Corrected Non-compliance (CNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Enbridge will remove subsoil from topsoil and re-erect the geotextile barrier with wing walls to prevent admixing.

Due date: 2018-10-05

Date closed: 2018-10-03
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 3 - CNC 2 - Erosion and Sediment Control Measures

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-03 14:48

Discipline: Environmental Protection




KP 221+910 @ Eagle Creek:
- NEB Inspectors observed a subsoil ramp constructed in the riparian area of Eagle Creek without erosion and sediment control measures in place between ramp and watercourse. Side walls erected using silt fence, but no containment wall observed between subsoil ramp and watercourse. A slope from the toe of the subsoil ramp towards the watercourse was noted.

Compliance tool used: Corrected Non-compliance (CNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Enbridge will install appropriate erosion and sediment control measures to protect Eagle Creek.

Due date: 2018-10-05

Date closed: 2018-10-03
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 4 - IR - Noxious Weeds

Date & time of visit: 2018-10-02 12:24

Discipline: Environmental Protection




Two species of noxious weeds were observed on the Right-of-Way. Both species have been designated as Schedule II, Noxious Weeds under The Weed Control Act in Saskatchewan:

  1. Kochia (Kochia scoparia; Bassia scoparia) was observed in abundance on disturbed topsoil berms located at, and extending beyond, KP 161+500 on the west bank of the Right-of-Way.
  2.  Narrow-leaved hawksbeard (Crepis tectorum L.) was observed in abundance on disturbed topsoil berms located, and extending beyond, KP 160+500 on the east bank of the Right-of-Way.
NEB Inspectors note these weeds were in close proximity to a rare plant species (Marsh-felwort) which had been identified on the Right-of-Way.

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

The NEB requests documentation that outlines Enbridge’s procedure for the containment and control of the Schedule II - Noxious weeds identified above. This IR pertains specifically for noxious weeds listed in Saskatchewan (Spread 2). Please provide the following information:

  1. Confirmation that invasive plant management has been undertaken by Enbridge in the areas noted above. If so, please discuss how the hazards presented by these noxious weeds are being controlled and how applicable legislative requirements are being met.
  2. Discussion of preventative measures in place to preserve rare plants that are in the vicinity of on-going noxious weed treatments.
  3. The approximate area specified fo rthis observation (KP 160+500 - 161+500) is within range wetlands (Wetland Report ID: SK-051a – SK-054. Updated EAS, July 2018). Please provide a response noting how Enbridge intends to meet the legislative requirements without putting the water bodies at risk if herbicide is the applied (or intended) control method.
  4. Electronic copies of the noxious weed control logs, including herbicide application and other ocntrols (pertaining to noxious weeds) implemented at the locations between KP 159+500 - 162+000. 

Due date: 2018-11-30

Date closed: 2018-12-14
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program