Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1819-074 - Enbridge Pipelines Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV1819-074
Start date: 2018-05-07
End date: 2018-05-10


Regulated company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Operating company: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Rationale and scope:

Inspection of the Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Program Project (L3RP). On Tuesday 8 May 2018, NEB Inspection Officers (IOs) conducted a helicopter overflight of spreads 1 to 4, which were constructed the previous fall and winter. During the course of this inspection, NEB Inspectors assessed erosion and sediment control measures implemented during spring break-up and verified compliance to the EPP and other environmental protection requirements and commitments applicable to the project such as the L3RP Spring Break Up Preparedness and Monitoring Plan. An observer from the Line 3 Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) was also present during the inspection. Due to weather conditions, a short segment of the RoW south-east of Hardsity was flown on the way back from Regina, Enbridge Staff were not present for this portion of the inspection.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Regulatory instrument number(s):

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - NEB Environmental Inspection of the Line 3 Replacement Program, Helicopter flyover of Spreads 1 to 4

Date & time of visit: 2018-05-08 06:00

Discipline: Environmental Protection




Water levels were observed to be high in isolated areas, more so along spread 1. Water levels decreased and dryer conditions prevailed as the inspection advanced SE towards Regina.

Enbridge noted that they had conducted two overflights and additional site visits during the spring monitoring program and provided a list of maintenance items to NEB IOs. Enbridge stated that maintenance items are being corrected as ground conditions improve to allow equipment access to the RoW.

A summary of observations is provided below:

Spread 1

~KP 38.6 Ribstone Creek

Erosion and sediment control measures were in place. NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

~KP 97.5 AB‐WC‐16 – Eyehill Creek

NEB IOs assessed this site and requested additional follow-up information with respect to mitigation and erosion control measures implemented at Eyehill Creek. Enbridge provided the following response:

NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

KP 109.44 - SK-WC1 – Unnamed Tributary to Cactus Lake

On 30 April 2018, in its Construction Progress Report, Enbridge reported that erosion control devices at the tributary to Cactus Lake were overwhelmed (occurred 18 April 2018), resulting in gully erosion and sediment entering the stream. Enbridge was on site to monitor the event and took appropriate action to mitigate and prevent further erosion and sedimentation.

During the overflight, IOs stopped and circled the site in order to assess corrective actions noted in the construction progress report. Water levels in the creek were observed to be low. Gully erosion was present along the south-eastern slope of the tributary; sandbags and erosion control measures were installed at the base of the channel. A channel formed north-west of the creek along the RoW; geotextile was exposed at the base of the channel which appeared to have prevented the channel from becoming deeper. Sandbags were placed at the north-west side of the creek across the RoW to prevent further erosion.NEB IOs are satisfied with the corrective action taken at this site.

Drainage near Cactus Lake Tributary SK‐WC‐03:

NEB IOs assessed this site and requested additional information with respect to mitigation and erosion control measures implemented at the drainage near Cactus Lake. Enbridge provided the following response:
NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

NEB IOs observed an extension of the temporary workspace near SK-WC3 and requested evidence of landowner approval. Enbridge provided evidence 11 May 2018.

Spread 2

KP 153 - Wetland SK‐044– Damaged Aquadam

NEB IOs observed a damaged aquadam left in place over the winter and requested additional follow-up information. Enbridge provided the following response:NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

Spread 3

KP 282.9 - Wetland SK‐137: Topsoil pile in wetland

NEB IOs observed an exposed topsoil pile in wetland SK137 and requested additional follow-up information. Enbridge provided the following response:NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

KP 297.6 SK-WC26 MacDonald Creek

Assigned a high risk level in the L3RP Spring Break Up Preparedness and Monitoring Plan. Erosion and sedimentation control measures were in place. NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

KP 337.4 – East Side South Saskatchewan River (SSR)

Assigned a high risk level in the L3RP Spring Break Up Preparedness and Monitoring Plan.

On 23 October 2017, a drilling mud release occurred at the SSR and was reported to the NEB on 30 October 2017 in Enbridge’s Construction Progress Report as an environmental issue. During the overflight, NEB IOs stopped and circled the SSR SE pad (drill exit area). Enbridge staff pointed out the area where the drilling mud surfaced. The area appeared to be cleaned-up; IOs did not observe any remaining fluid or staining.     
KP 386 - SK‐233 – Snow Fence in Wetland

NEB IOs observed a snow fence in wetland SK 233 and requested additional follow-up information. Enbridge provided the following response:NEB IOs are satisfied with the mitigation and control measures implemented at this site.

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program