Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1920-142 - Pembina Energy Services Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Emergency Response Exercise

Activity #: CV1920-142
Start date: 2019-12-03
End date: 2019-12-03


Regulated company: Pembina Energy Services Inc.

Operating company: Pembina Energy Services Inc.

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Related events:

Rationale and scope:

As part of the NEB's annual compliance planning, Pembina Energy Services Inc. was identified for an exercise evaluation to verify the company's response capabilities during an emergency response exercise.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - Overall Exercise Observations

Date & time of visit: 2019-12-03 08:00

Discipline: Emergency Management




The Pembina Pipelines Corporation Area Office in Fort St. John at 10919 89 Ave became the Incident Command Post (ICP).
The Calgary Head Office at 585 8 Ave SW (#4000) is the location of the Corporate Emergency Operatins Centre (CEOC).

Exercise Planning and Conduct

Notification and Reporting
Response Management
Response Tactics
This exercise was planned, resourced and executed well.
Objectives in Review
The exercise plan document listed 5 objectives for the exercise.The evaluators are of the view that:Recommendations
And finally, the organization should prepare to engage with rights holders, stakeholders, and levels of government in a Unified Command and practice this in future exercises.


Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program