Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection
Regulated company: New Brunswick Power Transmission Corporation
Operating company: New Brunswick Power Corporation
Province(s) / Territory(s):
Related events:
Rationale and scope:
Follow up inspection of Line 3001 repair/replacement work as identified in CV2021-138. IPL tower structures, conductors, insulators, spacers, dampers, guy wires and grounding were visually inspected.
Compliance tool(s) used:
Facility Types
Life-cycle Phases
Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:
Regulatory instrument number(s):
Observation 1 - EC-III-18 - Line 3001 - Day 1
Date & time of visit: 2022-09-13 06:00
Discipline: Integrity Management
The New Brunswick Power (NB Power) representatives met with Canada Energy Regulator (CER) CER Inspection Officers (IOs) at the hotel and travelled to the first inspection site. NB Power personnel proceeded with giving CER IOs information on the following topics: Tower Numbering System NB Power personnel explained that there is a nomenclature to refer to the different parts of a tower. CER IOs noted the numbering system was convoluted and difficult to explain in writing; the numbering system is shown in Attachments 1 & 2 of the IR Response provided in October 2022. General Comments The purpose of the inspection was to:
Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used
Observation 2 - EC-III-18 - Line 3001 - Day 2
Date & time of visit: 2022-09-14 07:00
The NB Power representatives met with CER Inspection Officers (IOs) at the hotel and travelled to the first inspection site. Upon arrival at the first tower of the day, the CER IOs attended the tailboard meeting where all of the safety concerns related to the day’s inspection were discussed. CER IOs signed the attendance list. Tower 83 (Type A frame) CER IOs travelled to Tower 83 and observed the following:
Observation 3 - EC-III-18 - Line 3001 - Day 3
Date & time of visit: 2022-09-15 06:00
The NB Power representatives met with CER Inspection Officers (IOs) at the hotel and travelled to the first inspection site. Once arrived at the first tower of the day, the CER IOs attended the tailboard meeting where all of the safety concerns related to the day’s inspection were discussed. CER IOs signed the attendance list. Tower 181 (Type A frame) It was noted that the following observations were made in 2018:
Observation 4 - EC-III-18 - Line 3001 - Grounding Discussion
Date & time of visit: 2022-11-25 12:00
A virtual meeting was held between CER and NB Power personnel to discuss grounding issues in relation to the inspection of 345 kV IPL Line 3001. During the inspection, CER staff noted the absence of ground wire on numerous towers. Staff forwarded the list of towers to NB Power seeking clarification in an IR sent on 28 September 2022. Staff discussed in the meeting requirements of transmission tower grounding to limit touch and step voltages during an electrical fault and due to a lightning strike. In this context, CER staff informed NB Power of safe limits of touch and step voltages as determined by international institutions IEEE and IEC. It was pointed out by CER staff that to be consistent with those international practices, it is important that transmission towers are grounded properly for safety reasons. That said, staff also pointed out that although it is ideal, it may not be required to ground each tower. Staff referred to the following studies for transmission tower grounding designs:
Observation 5 - Recommendations for IPL EC-III-18 - Line 3001
Date & time of visit: 2022-12-30 12:30
Following the observations made as a result of the IPL inspection, CER IOs have the following recommendations:
Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:
- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or
- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program