Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV2021-363 - Veresen NGL Pipeline Inc.


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV2021-363
Start date: 2022-03-18
End date: 2022-03-18


Regulated company: Veresen NGL Pipeline Inc.

Operating company: Pembina Pipeline Corporation

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Rationale and scope:

Damage Prevention Inspection to verify compliance with the CER Act, the CER Onshore Pipeline Regulations and the CER Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations with focus on third party oversight procedures on the Veresen NGL Pipeline (near the Burstall Cavern facility)

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - Damage Prevention Inspection Opening Meeting General Observations

Date & time of visit: 2021-03-17 09:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) inspections officers (IO) met with Pembina Pipeline Corporation (Pembina) who operates Veresen’s NGL Pipeline Inc., Empress Pipeline. The virtual opening meeting for the desktop inspection of the Damage Prevention Program occurred on 17 March, 2021.
General information:
The Empress pipeline carries non-sour ethane, running 25 km from the Burstall Cavern facility located in Saskatchewan to a block valve in Cypress County, Alberta.

 Public Awareness:
The outreach cycle varies by stakeholder type, ranging from annual (excavators) to every 3 years (public officials). The company uses a contractor to conduct public awareness activities and to conduct effectiveness surveys annually.
Reviewed the Agriculture and Excavator Brochures, and the Pembina website.Inspection focus:
Due to COVID travel restrictions and a lack of third party activity on the right of way, the CER IOs did not conduct a field inspection to confirm field implementation of the third party oversight procedures. The Empress pipeline is located in a rural area that does not receive many requests for consent related to third party activity.
Requests for consent:
Pembina reviewed the Unauthorized Activity process flowchart that is being rolled out to staff in May 2021.
Pembina confirmed that it has a documented process for receiving requests and granting consent. Its third party oversight process includes verifying that a One Call was placed, all the required paper work is available at the site including the One call ticket and the crossing agreements., ensures locate markings are understood, and  uses both staff locators and contract locators.
Specific documents provided for review included:DP PA 5.6  Canadian Damage Prevention and Public Awareness Program Unauthorized Activity Standard

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - Information Request #2 Veresen Empress

Discipline: Damage Prevention




CER Operations Inspectors are requesting information with regards to CV2021-363 pursuant to the Damage Prevention Program (DPR)-Obligations of Pipeline Companies s. 16(c) ongoing monitoring of any change in the landowner of the land on which a pipeline is located and
DPR-0 s. 11 Obligations to report.

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

How are second party contractor contraventions of the DPRs captured and reported pursuant to DPR-O s. 11 (1) (2)?

How does Veresen monitor changes in landowners of the land on which a pipeline is located pursuant to DPR-O s.16 (c)?

At the opening meeting on 17 March 2021, Pembina indicated that it was updating the locate form, adding a field for ground disturber acknowledgement of understanding of the locate marks and information; when will that form be implemented in the field?

Due date: 2021-04-14

Date closed: 2021-05-20
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 3 - Information Request #3 Reporting DPR Contraventions

Discipline: Damage Prevention




CER Inspections Officers are requesting that the company provide the company's Unauthorized Activity Reporting Standard referred to in the Unauthorized Activity Process flowchart provided on slide 13 of the presentation given on 17 March.

Compliance tool used: Information Request (IR)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Please send Pembina's Unauthorized Activity Reporting Standard referred to in the Unauthorized Activity Process flowchart provided on slide 13 of the presentation given on 17 March.

Due date: 2021-04-26

Date closed: 2021-04-23
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observation 4 - Notice of Non-compliance - Document Review

Date & time of visit: 2021-05-13 13:00

Discipline: Damage Prevention




During the document review, the CER IO's observed that  some of Veresen's documentation did not accurately reference the current regulatory requirements pursuant to the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) s.6.5(o) and is in non-compliance.  

Compliance tool used: Notice of Non-compliance (NNC)

Regulatory requirement:

Relevant section(s):

Company action required:

Veresen to ensure that all of its Damage Prevention documentation accurately reflect the CER regulatory requirements pursuant to the OPR s.6.5(o). Examples of documentation requiring updates includes:


Due date: 2021-06-17

Date closed: 2021-05-20
Note: the date closed is the date that the inspector completed their review of the company corrective actions for adequacy and determined that no further actions are required.

Reason closed: Requirement met

Compliance achieved: Yes

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program