Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection
Regulated company: Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC
Operating company: Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC
Province(s) / Territory(s):
Rationale and scope:
An environmental inspection of construction on spread 6/7A of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. Focus on watercourse crossings, implementation of erosion and sediment control measures, reclamation, dewatering requirements and implementation of nesting migratory bird requirements.
Compliance tool(s) used:
Facility Types
Life-cycle Phases
Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:
Regulatory instrument number(s):
Observation 1 - General Observations
Date & time of visit: 2023-05-02 08:00
Discipline: Environmental Protection
Peach Creek KP 1098+750
Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used
Observation 2 - Watercourses
Wetland BC 706a2
Observation 3 - Reclamation
Date & time of visit: 2023-05-04 09:00
Bridal Falls KP 1076
Observation 4 - Davidson Creek HDD/ Northern Spotted Owl Sanctuary KP 1143+100
While reaming with the 48” reamer a sinkhole occurred in Telegraph Road near the exit. Approximately 30m to 40m of casing is required to continue drilling. A Resource Specialist was onsite during the inspection monitoring for noise exceedances and disturbances to the owls. She monitors 6 aviaries and was referencing a power point presentation which indicated specific disturbance behaviours. TMEP Representatives stated:
Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:
- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or
- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program