Explore BERDI

The Canada Energy Regulator’s new BERDI search tool provides easy access to regulatory data on Canada’s land and water, weather and wildlife, species at risk, environmental protection, public safety, and more.

Welcome to REGDOCS

REGDOCS is a regulatory database for activities and transactions conducted at the Canada Energy Regulator.

Examples: A12345, A12345-9, A1A1A1

Browse Folder Structure

Traffic, Tolls & Tariffs
We regulate pipeline tolls and tariffs to ensure they are just and reasonable
We are involved in reviews, energy activities, and guidance on hearings for the public
Exports & Imports
We monitor the import and export of gas, propane, butanes, ethane, refined petroleum products and crude oil
Some of the material on this site originates with organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available in the language in which it was written.
Certains des textes sur ce site proviennent d'organismes qui ne sont pas assujettis à la Loi sur les langues officielles et ils sont disponibles dans la langue d'origine.