TransCanada (TC) Canadian Mainline
Section updated: October 2024
The Pipeline Profiles interactive maps provide publicly accessible information about CER-regulated pipeline systems. These maps provide information about the pipeline systems we regulate and allow the user to zoom in and view nearby communities and other geographic features.
The information displayed on this map is not meant to be comprehensive, and some datasets have been filtered to show only the most relevant information. Please see the Interactive Pipeline Map to see a more comprehensive picture of CER-regulated pipelines.
This information is also not intended for locating pipelines for construction activities or any other soil disturbance in the area around a pipeline. Please check our Damage Prevention Website for information on where to Click Before you Dig.
Terms of Use
The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) provides this information for personal and non-commercial uses. The information contained in this map is based on externally sourced information. The CER makes no representations regarding the accuracy of this information. The CER accepts no responsibility or liability for inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the data and any loss, damage or costs incurred as a result of using or relying on the map data in any way.
The pipeline data contained in this map is subject to licensing terms and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or transferred in whole or in part. The map also contains information license under the Open Government License - Canada.
The Canadian Energy Regulator is bound by the Official Language Act and relevant Treasury Board policies. However, some material on these pages originates from organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act and is made available on this project page in the language in which it was written.
Sources and Description
The information contained in these maps is obtained from the following sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (U.S. Pipelines); Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) (The Community Map of Canada); Geomatics Data Management Inc. (GDM) (CER-regulated pipelines); Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada, and Surveyor General Branch (Indigenous Lands); Government of Canada: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (Modern and Historic Treaties).
The TC Canadian Mainline Map displays the TC Canadian Mainline and connected pipelines in Canada and the U.S. The TC Canadian Mainline extends from the Alberta/Saskatchewan border across Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, and through a portion of Quebec.
- The TC Canadian Mainline transports natural gas produced primarily in Alberta and British Columbia. The pipeline receives gas from the NGTL system.
- The pipeline entered service in 1958. The CER library has the original maps, studies, and transcripts related to the 1950s regulatory process, including the reports that approved the pipeline construction.
- Through the Canadian Prairies, the TC Canadian Mainline is comprised of five parallel transmission lines. In 2007, the sixth segment (Line 100-1) was modified and converted to transport crude oil. See the Keystone Pipeline Profile.
- Historically, most of the natural gas consumed in Ontario and Quebec was produced in western Canada and transported on the TC Canadian Mainline.
- Starting in the late 2000s, growing production from the Appalachian Basin began to impact Canadian market dynamics. U.S. natural gas production increased, and some export points on the TC Canadian Mainline in Ontario were modified to import U.S. natural gas.
- The TC Canadian Mainline’s Niagara point has imported natural gas since 2012. The Chippawa point has been importing natural gas since 2015.
Connected Pipelines and Facilities
- The TC Canadian Mainline transports natural gas to the Enbridge Gas Dawn Hub via the Great Lakes Transmission System in the U.S.
- The Dawn Hub is a complex of storage facilities where natural gas is injected in the summer and withdrawn in the winter when demand for home heating picks up.
- The Dawn Hub has approximately 280 billion cubic feet of storage capacity, one of the largest natural gas storage facilities in North America.
- The Dawn to Parkway system connects natural gas storage facilities in Dawn, Ontario, with the TC Canadian Mainline. The Dawn to Parkway system is a provincial pipeline and is regulated by the Ontario Energy Board.
- South of Ottawa, the TC Canadian Mainline connects with the Iroquois Gas Transmission pipeline. Iroquois is primarily an export point but has periodically imported gas during the winter from 2018 onward.
- See CER’s Market Snapshot - Natural gas coming into Canada from New York, U.S.
- Near the Ontario and Quebec border, the TC Canadian Mainline connects with the Trans Quebec & Maritimes (TQM) pipeline, which supplies customers in Quebec.
- The TQM pipeline also connects with other U.S. systems that supply natural gas to communities in the northeastern U.S., as well as Canadian Maritime provinces.
- The capacity of TQM was recently expanded. See: Application for the Blainville Compressor Station and East Hereford Electrical Upgrade [Folder 3874689].
- South of Emerson, Manitoba, the Canadian Mainline connects with two pipelines – Viking Gas Transmission and Great Lakes Gas Transmission (GLGT).
- Both systems supply customers in the U.S. midcontinent, as well as storage facilities in southern Ontario.
- In April 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the U.S. approved the Alberta Xpress project. Using existing capacity on the TC Canadian Mainline and GLGT pipelines, the project will transport 165 million cubic feet of western Canadian gas production to U.S. Gulf Coast liquified natural gas export facilities (FERC docket CP20-484-000).
Reconciliation Content
- We recognize that all lands are the traditional and/or treaty territories of Indigenous Peoples, however, in this data set, only treaty lands are represented due to data availability.
- For more information about how the traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples in a region are defined, it is best to consult First Nation and Metis governments directly.
- For more information about traditional territories and potential or established treaty rights, you may also consult the Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System.
Section updated: October 2024
Pipeline ownership | |
Pipeline name | TransCanada (TC) Canadian Mainline pipeline |
CER-regulated company | TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL) |
Parent company | TC Energy Corporation |
Pipeline attributes | |
Group for financial regulationFootnote 1 | Group 1 |
Commenced operations | 1958 |
Location | The TC Canadian Mainline extends from the Alberta/Saskatchewan border across Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, and through a portion of Quebec. |
CER-regulated pipeline length (km)Footnote 2 | 14,123 km |
Transported commodity | Natural gas |
Pipeline capacity | Capacity on the TC Canadian Mainline is variable depending on the specific location key points. At Prairies, the capacity is approximately 6.2 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). At Iroquois, the capacity is approximately 0.6 Bcf/d. |
Major interconnected pipelines | NGTL system, TQM pipeline, Viking Gas Transmission pipeline, Great Lakes Gas Transmission pipeline, Empire pipeline, Tennessee Gas pipeline, National Fuel Gas pipeline, Iroquois Gas Transmission system, St. Lawrence Gas Company, North Country Gas pipeline and Vermont Gas systems |
Section updated: November 2024
Throughput and capacity
Section updated quarterly (early March, mid-May, mid-August and mid-November)
Select key point:
Select units:
Key Point Map

Key Point Trends
Throughputs at the Prairies key point have increased by 11.5% year over year, from an average of 3.64 Bcf/d in Q3 2023 to an average of 4.06 Bcf/d in Q3 2024 (most recent quarter of data).
Throughputs in Q3 2024 are 25% above the five-year average.
Key Point Description
Interconnect with the NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) system at the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. Empress is one of the primary receipt points on the Mainline. Gas moves east for use in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and exports into the U.S. Midwest and U.S. Northeast.
Annual Average Throughput: Prairies (Bcf/d)
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Intra-Canada | 6.0 | 5.7 | 5.1 | 4.3 | 3.3 | 3.2 | 2.3 | 2.2 | 3.3 | 3.0 | 2.8 | 2.7 | 3.1 | 3.1 | 2.9 | 3.3 | 3.7 | 3.8 | 4.1 |
Note: The physical capacity of a pipeline is based on many factors such as the products being carried, direction of flow, pipeline pumping capacity, and maintenance work or other pressure restrictions. The actual physical capacity of the pipeline may, at times, be higher than the assumed operational capacity stated here.
Dashboard instructions
- Click on a key point button above the chart & map to view traffic at a different location. The map shows approximate locations on the pipeline where throughputs & capacity are recorded by the pipeline operator.
- Click and drag your mouse on the area chart to zoom into the desired date range. Click on the Reset Zoom button to reset the full date range.
- Click on the chart legend items below the chart to remove & add sections of data as required.
- The key point trends are calculated using quarterly average traffic at the key point. Natural gas throughput trends are displayed year over year (last full quarter of data compared to the same quarter last year). Crude oil and liquids key point trends are displayed quarter over quarter (last full quarter of data compared to the previous quarter).
Note: The five-year average is calculated for natural gas key points using the total throughput across all trade types and direction of flows. For bi-directional key points (both export and import) the throughput is displayed for both directions, instead of the five-year average.
Source and description
Data Source: Open Government
Description: The above dashboard displays pipeline throughput and capacity at key point(s) along the system. Where possible, the five-year average and five-year range for throughput is shown with the current year throughput to better highlight the trends. For pipeline key points with a defined location, a map is displayed next to the graph showing the approximate key point location where pipeline throughput and capacity are recorded.
A conversion of 1 cubic meter = 35.3147 Cubic feet (cf) natural gas is used in this dashboard
Transportation costs (tolls)
Section updated: August 2024
A toll is the price charged by a pipeline company for transportation and other services. Tolls allow pipeline companies to safely operate and maintain pipelines. Tolls also provide funds for companies to recover capital (the money used to build the pipeline), pay debts, and provide a return to investors. The interactive graph below shows Mainline tolls on major long-haul and short-haul paths. Long-haul paths have Empress as a receipt point, while short-haul paths have receipt points east of Saskatchewan, such as Union Parkway Belt.
In April 2020, the CER approved the 2021-2026 negotiated settlement between TCPL and TC Canadian Mainline shippers [Folder 3891141]. The settlement fixes firm tolls on the TC Canadian Mainline for a period of six years, between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2026, and segmented the system into the Western Mainline Segment and Eastern Triangle Segment for tolling purposes.
From 2007 to 2011, the TC Canadian Mainline operated under a negotiated settlement based on a cost of service model. In 2011, TCPL filed a toll application [Folder 711778]. The NEB’s Reasons for Decision in March 2013 resulted in lower multi-year fixed tolls for Firm Transportation service. It also gave TCPL discretion in the pricing of Interruptible transportation (IT) service and Short Term Firm Transportation (STFT) service. When the decision was implemented in mid-2013, firm contracts from Empress increased.
At the end of 2013, TCPL and three eastern local distribution companies applied for a new toll regime incenting TCPL to build new facilities in the Eastern Triangle [Folder 2397890]. It was approved in December 2014, resulting in higher tolls that were determined based on the TC Canadian Mainline’s cost of service. This toll methodology was expected to be in place from 2015 to 2020, with a review in 2017. In December 2017, TCPL filed an application for 2018-2020 Mainline Tolls and the NEB issued Reasons for Decision in December 2018 [Folder 3413374].
Between 2017 and 2019, the NEB approved several Long Term Fixed Price (LTFP) services, which provided lower tolls in order to retain or attract volumes to the system [Folder 3173691], [Folder 3224371], [Folder 3715883].
Note that the natural gas distribution company, Gaz Métro, was renamed to Énergir in late 2017. Subsequently, the delivery point GMIT EDA was renamed to Energir EDA.
Official CER documents related to the traffic, tolls and tariffs for the TC Canadian Mainline can be found here: TCPL toll documents [Folder 92843].
Data Source and Description
Data Source: Open Government
Description: The above chart displays tolls data for the pipeline system. Only major or benchmark toll paths are shown for illustrative purposes. To see tolls for all available system paths, see the tariff filing.
Pricing discretion for firm and interruptible transportation
Section updated: January 2021
The TC Canadian Mainline offers several transportation services on its pipeline. Interruptible transportation (IT) service has lower priority than firm transportation (FT) so it may be subject to curtailment. IT is auctioned daily to the highest bidder – above bid floors set by TCPL. Short term firm transportation (STFT), which has a minimum term of seven days and a maximum term of one year less a day, is also auctioned to the highest bidder (above a specified bid floor). Current and historical bid floor levels for IT and STFT, by path, are available on TC Energy’s website.
Biddable IT and STFT services for the TC Canadian Mainline came into effect July 2013, following the NEB’s RH-003-2011 Decision [Document A51040-1] . Since May 2015 TCPL files additional monthly information for IT and STFT services in its Quarterly Surveillance Reports [Folder 155521], including posted bid floors by path, total contracted quantities, number of counterparties and total monthly revenues. This information is available in the dashboard below. IT revenues can turn negative if there are volume imbalances on the system. These imbalances may arise when shippers nominate or re-nominate volumes on the pipeline, but subsequently do not utilize all of the transportation capacity and tariff provisions are prompted.
Section updated: August 2024
Data Source and Description
Data Source: This data is submitted to the CER on a quarterly basis [Folder 155521].
Description: This dashboard shows the quantities of natural gas sold using the interruptible transportation service and the revenues collected. Data is available for each transportation path on the pipeline (i.e., from a receipt point to a delivery point).
Abandonment funding
Section updated: October 2024
The CER requires all pipeline companies to set aside funds to safely cease operation of their pipelines at the end of their useful lives. In 2016, TCPL estimated it would cost $2.9 billion to do this for the Mainline. In 2024, this number was revised to $4.1 billion. These funds are being collected and set aside in a trust. Collection period end date is December 31, 2043.
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Trust fund balance ($) | 816,400,000 | 1,013,600,000 | 1,149,600,000 | 1,148,500,000 | 1,347,700,000 |
Official CER documents related to abandonment funding can be found here, sorted by year and by company: abandonment funding documents [Folder 3300366].
Financial information
Section updated: October 2024
Pipeline companies report important financial information to the CER quarterly or annually. A solid financial position enables companies to maintain their pipeline systems, attract capital to build new infrastructure, and meet the market’s evolving needs. The data in this table comes from TC Canadian Mainline’s Quarterly Surveillance Reports [Folder 155521].
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Revenue (million $) | 2,396.9 | 2,127.9 | 1,900.2 | 1,771.7 | 1,487.4 | 1,430.7 | 1,570.9 | 1,714.4 | 1,762.5 |
Net Income (million $) | 200.7 | 187.4 | 180.5 | 169.2 | 161.8 | 155.2 | 199.8 | 214.4 | 218.2 |
Rate Base (million $) | 4,617.2 | 4,073.8 | 3,923.9 | 3,678.5 | 3,534.3 | 3,568 | 3,544.4 | 3,579.4 | 3,570.3 |
Return on Rate Base (%) | 9.01 | 9.3 | 9.54 | 9.46 | 9.32 | 8.92 | 8.71 | 9.28 | 9.66 |
Deemed equity ratio (%) | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
ROE (%) | 10.86 | 11.5 | 11.5 | 11.5 | 11.44 | 10.87 | 14.1 | 14.97 | 15.28 |
The financial information presented in Table 2 reflects regulatory information prepared by each CER-regulated pipeline company and filed quarterly or annually with the CER. This information is filed to inform shippers, the CER and other interested parties on pipeline revenues and expenses and is used in monitoring pipeline transportation costs. Methodologies used in the preparation of this financial information may reflect regulatory decisions and guidance and unique negotiated agreements between a pipeline company and its shippers and interested parties. These methodologies, and the resulting financial information presented, may not follow established accounting principles used in other corporate reporting, and may not be comparable between different CER-regulated companies. For more information, please see the regulatory documents in CER’s REGDOCS and any associated notes contained within them.
Safety and environment
Section updated: November 2024
Section updated quarterly (early March, mid-May, mid-August and mid-November)
Conditions compliance
Reported incidents
Operations and maintenance activities
Contaminated sites and remediation
Damage prevention regulations contravention reports
Section updated: November 2024
Conditions Compliance
Every pipeline company in Canada must meet federal, provincial or territorial, and local requirements. This includes Acts, Regulations, rules, bylaws, and zoning restrictions. Pipelines are also bound by technical, safety, and environmental standards along with company rules, protocols and management systems. In addition to these requirements, the Commission may add conditions to regulatory instruments that each company must meet. Conditions are project-specific and are designed to protect public and the environment by reducing possible risks identified during the application process.
Condition compliance is part of the CER's oversight and enforcement action is taken when required.
Conditions can be related to a specific region, or apply to the pipeline project as a whole. The map below displays the number of in progress and closed conditions mapped to economic regions as defined by Statistics Canada.
Conditions can typically be either in-progress or closed. The CER follows up on in-progress conditions.
This status refers to conditions that continue to be monitored by the CER. This happens when:
- condition filings have not yet been received by the CER; or,
- filings have been received but are under review or do not yet meet requirements; or,
- a project is not completed and it has conditions, which have not been met; or,
- a project has a post-construction condition, but a requirement has not yet been completed; or,
- some conditions may be active indefinitely or refer to the continued operation of a pipeline.
This status refers to:
- condition requirements that have been satisfied, and no further submissions from the company are required; or
- conditions whose filings or actions apply to a specific phase that have been fulfilled as the phase is completed (i.e. a specific filing during construction phase). Note: comments on the required actions can still be received.
Dashboard: TC Canadian Mainline - In Progress Conditions by Region
Some conditions are not tied to a geographic location.
No geographic location summary for TC Canadian Mainline:
- Closed conditions: 14
Dashboard instructions
- Click on a region to view conditions info
- Click map area outside of regions to hide info
Note: Some conditions apply to multiple regions. Conditions may be double counted across regions, resulting in a higher number of conditions than the totals seen in the buttons above.
Source and description
Data Source: Open Government
Description: The above map displays the number of CER conditions associated with projects approved by the Commission. The map is split into two tabs which show in-progress and closed conditions separately, mapped to an economic region. If a company has no in-progress conditions specific to an economic region, the dashboard will default to show the closed conditions by region. An additional view is available which contains the number of in-progress and closed conditions that don't have a corresponding economic region in the dataset. The map regions are shaded based on the number of conditions, with lighter coloured regions containing fewer conditions compared to darker colors. Conditions that apply to more than one region are double counted in the map, and these conditions will appear in the map region total and map region breakdown for each applicable region. The condition counts contained in the map navigation buttons represent total conditions without region double counting.
Have you checked out the CER's interactive conditions data visualization? This tool offers a deep dive into the CER's conditions compliance data and process, exploring conditions across all CER regulated companies by keyword, project, and location.
Emergency management
Section updated: March 2025
The CER checks to make sure companies are keeping pipelines safe by doing inspections, in-depth safety audits, and other activities. Yet, even with these precautions, an emergency could still happen. Sound emergency management practices improve public safety and environmental protection outcomes, and provide for more effective emergency response.
The CER holds its regulated companies responsible for anticipating, preventing, mitigating, and managing emergencies of any size or duration. Each company must have an emergency management program that includes detailed emergency procedures manuals to guide its response in an emergency. We oversee the emergency management program of a regulated company’s project for its entire operation.
The CER requires companies to publish information on their emergency management program and their emergency procedures manuals on their websites so Canadians can access them.
To view TransCanada Mainline’s Emergency Response Plan, go to TransCanada’s Emergency Preparedness website.